WHO warns - Restrictions will be fatal if restrictions are lifted soon
WHO warns - Restrictions will be fatal if restrictions are lifted soon.
The risk of coronavirus continues worldwide. In countries like America, Italy and Britain, this virus has created panic. Their condition is getting worse. In India also, cases of coronavirus are increasing very fast. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) has warned the world about restrictions and lockdowns. WHO warns that Restrictions will be fatal if restrictions are lifted soon.Actually, in all the countries of the world, there is an emergency or somewhere the entire country is under lockdown. Lockdown is on in all countries including India. In India, the discussion of lockdown is a subject matter. Whether it will be extended again. Meanwhile, the World Health Organization warned on Friday that if the restrictions imposed to prevent infection of the coronavirus are eliminated in a hurry, it can have fatal consequences.
According to Reuters, the head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyas, told in a press conference in Geneva that the WHO, like everyone else, wants the sanctions to end. But, ending the restrictions in a hurry can have fatal consequences. He said that we have to deal with it properly.